Bonkers North Korean propaganda video reveals how insane training for Kim’s army really is
North Korean propaganda lifts the lid on Kim's crazy army is as it prepares to attack the South
THE sadistic world of North Korean army training has been laid bare by a propaganda video showing troops being put through the paces for beloved leader Kim Jong Un.
The film captures the sheer harshness of life in the North Korean army, with soldiers carrying out feats of discipline and endurance that have to hurt.
Jaunty military music adds to the unhinged atmosphere of the propaganda production.
Conscript troops are seen hitting all manner of objects without recoiling in pain.
Boulders are thrown out fellas' stomachs while others throw themselves on to panes of glass.
One lad has a sledge hammer slammed down on his hand that causes bricks to break underneath it.
But failing to be as hard as nails in the secretive Stalinist state is simply not an option.
The Communist state forces men on pain of death into the 1.19-million-strong military for 10 years which is the longest conscription period in the world.
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Defectors report that many die in training accidents or out of sheer exhaustion because standards are impossibly high and many recruits are under nourished.
As reported, elite North Korean soldiers have been armed with “nuclear backpacks” to spray deadly uranium at the enemy.
The country’s demented dictator is said to have put the nuke squads on readiness as around 75,000 US and South Korean troops take part in joint war games this month.