Even the doom-mongers of the Bank of England say there may be light at the end of the tunnel
A new hope
AFTER months of economic carnage there may just be light at the end of the tunnel.
Even the habitual doom-mongers of the Bank of England say so.
Yes, inflation is still over ten per cent and interest rates rose again yesterday. But that may be the last hike and the Bank reckons inflation will plummet this year.
Even better, it has revised upwards its previously apocalyptic forecasts to a much shallower and shorter recession.
Who knows? We might even avoid that — as we did the one confidently predicted for late last year.
The IMF’s absurd negativity towards Britain looks similarly overblown.
To his credit, the game-changer has largely been Rishi Sunak. We loathe the growth-killing tax burden being as high as it is and he MUST cut it when he can.
But it is hard to argue when he tells Piers Morgan that since arriving in No10 he has calmed the markets, developed a plan to control rampant borrowing and helped minimise interest rate rises.
We are still in the mire . . . but gradually clawing our way out.
Call to arms
FOR 30 years no one could imagine war with Russia. With the Cold War over, Governments ran down our defences.
The Ukraine invasion has changed everything. We are belatedly now scrambling to catch up. But even the huge new funding the Tories have recently put into our forces won’t suffice.
The UK and US militaries openly warn of our weakness. General Sir Richard Barrons.
It is grim that the world is still plagued by tyrants like Putin.
But it is.
We simply must find billions more every year to keep our citizens safe.
Off his Ed
HOW disturbing that Ed Miliband is front and centre in Labour’s campaign for office.
In one minute yesterday he insisted a Labour Government would strive for “100 per cent clean power by 2030” AND that we will still need North Sea oil and gas for decades.
They cannot both be so.
Voters know Miliband’s failings well. Yet his back-of-an-envelope “green energy” plan is Labour’s sole big idea.
Their policy platform currently hinges on a lightweight who cannot even see he is spouting contradictory nonsense.
Trash Tolkien
WE don’t recall Sauron, the disembodied evil of Lord of the Rings, breaking into his busy schedule to collect Brighton’s bins.
But lawyers seriously believe in the “likelihood of confusion” between the fantasy mega-franchise and a two-man rubbish removal firm, Lord of the Bins.
Now that’s just being Orc-ward.