Legal weed market set to explode as California completely legalises weed at ballot box… but shops won’t start selling it ’til 2018
The states of Massachusetts, Nevada, and Maine also went green allowing people to smoke cannabis over the age of 21 and own weed for recreational purposes
CALIFORNIA went green yesterday, when the state voted to completely legalise and regulate the obsession and sale of marijuana.
As of midnight on Tuesday, anyone over the age of 21 is allowed to smoke, possess and grow the drug. Shops selling it and being taxed on those sales are set to open on January 1, 2018.
In California, under Proposition 64, there were still stipulations driving and using the drug, in the same way as alcohol. Smoking outside a bar or restaurant will incur at $100 US fine.
The state is also projected to gain billions of dollars in tax revenue once sales begin in 2018, with a £7.50 ($9.25) tax on buds and a 15 percent tax when the drug is sold at retail.
California was joined by Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada in voting to liberalise regulations on the drug - however they will all have delays on when it is fully legally allowed to use the drug.
In Massachusetts marijuana is legal on December 15th - however there will also be alcohol style restrictions.
Speaking with the , Tom Angell, chairman of drug policy reform group Marijuana Majority said election night is a momentous day for reformers of the drug.
He said: “November 8 is the most important day in the history of the marijuana legalization movement.
“The stakes couldn’t be higher. Big wins will dramatically accelerate our push to finally end federal marijuana prohibition, perhaps as soon as 2017.
“But on the other hand, huge losses could interrupt the momentum we’ve been building for the last several years.”
The ballot measure, Proposition 64, which was passed, means it is now no longer be a crime in California to buy, possess or transport limited amounts of marijuana for personal use.
Richard Miadich, a lawyer for the Yes on 64 campaign said: “They can’t sell it, but they can grow it for their own personal use.
“You cannot use marijuana, ingest marijuana in any way, in public.”
Proposition 64 also includes state taxes on sales and cultivation.