Syrian couple who named their child Angela Merkel after being let in by German chancellor’s open-door policy have their asylum application REJECTED
The Chancellor famously said "we can do it" as she vowed to absorb hundreds of thousands of migrants
A SYRIAN migrant family who named their child "Angela Merkel" after being allowed into Germany by the Chancellor's open door policy have had their asylum application rejected.
The Chancellor famously said "we can do it" as she vowed to absorb hundreds of thousands of migrants who were allowed into Germany.
The baby named in her honour, Angela Merkel Al-Hamza, was born on 27th December 2015 in Duisburg, a city in the Western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Her parents, Mamon and Tema, said they decided to name their newborn child after the German leader "to thank her that we can be here".
But local media reported the family, who now live in the city of Moenchengladbach, received a letter from the authorities saying their asylum application has been rejected.
Mamon Al-Hamza said: "The letter has given me great fear."
Rejection means that the family will eventually be asked to leave the country and head back to the last safe country that they passed through - most likely Turkey.
However, for the moment, Mamon and his family have received so-called "subsidiary protection" which will allow them to stay temporarily.
Subsidiary protection is a complementary form of protection under European law, which may apply to those who would be at risk of serious harm if returned to their home country, but who do not fit the strict definition of a refugee.
In practice in Germany, it means that the family is allowed to remain in Germany for one year, but cannot bring any family members from Syria over.
The protection can be extended twice for two years. If during that period the family can secure a job and improve their knowledge of German to a sufficient level, they could be allowed to stay.
A spokeswoman for the Federal Office for Migration explained: "Recognition for a person entitled to asylum in accordance with Article 16a of the Basic Law is not possible when they travelled through a safe, third country."
As almost all Syrian migrants in Germany arrive through a third country like Turkey, recently many have not been granted permanent asylum.
Figures from 1st January to 31st October 2016 show that of 250,008 Syrian applicants, only 577 were given asylum.
A total of 150,276 were recognised as refugees and may stay for the next three years in Germany, but 93,925 Syrians like the Al-Hamza family received subsidiary protection.