Vile ‘New Hitler Youth’ threaten gun violence and Jewish genocide as they recruit impressionable supporters online
As extremism grips Europe, young members of the UK far right are taking it in a more extreme direction than ever before
YOUNG activist Jack Renshaw is the final speaker to take the floor.
Against a backdrop of patriotic flags, the audience has so far applauded politely as some of Britain’s most hardline far-right leaders detailed recent rallies.
But even these hardened skinheads are left horrified as the 21-year-old launches into a disgusting hate rant, branding Jews “social vermin” who need to be “eradicated”, before declaring: “Hitler showed mercy to people who did not deserve mercy.”
This is no isolated incident.
The Sun can reveal vile Renshaw is just one of a fresh crop of young Nazi leaders — dubbed the “New Hitler Youth” — who have taken over Britain’s Far Right and wrenched it in an even more extreme direction.