
Vile ‘New Hitler Youth’ threaten gun violence and Jewish genocide as they recruit impressionable supporters online

As extremism grips Europe, young members of the UK far right are taking it in a more extreme direction than ever before

YOUNG activist Jack Renshaw is the final speaker to take the floor.

Against a backdrop of patriotic flags, the audience has so far applauded politely as some of Britain’s most hardline far-right leaders detailed recent rallies.

Even longtime far-right activists are shocked at the racist, abusive tirades of some young neo-Nazis

But even these hardened skinheads are left horrified as the 21-year-old launches into a disgusting hate rant, branding Jews “social vermin” who need to be “eradicated”, before declaring: “Hitler showed mercy to people who did not deserve mercy.”

This is no isolated incident.

The Sun can reveal vile Renshaw is just one of a fresh crop of young Nazi leaders — dubbed the “New Hitler Youth” — who have taken over Britain’s Far Right and wrenched it in an even more extreme direction.


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In another bid to raise their profile with young men and women, NA held a “Miss Hitler” beauty competition the following month.

The event was won by a brunette Scottish girl, her face partly covered with a skull bandana as she performs a Nazi salute.

The “dedicated member” of the organisation added that without her boyfriend she would be a “very lonely Nazi”. A masked runner-up is a trainee nursery teacher.

The group recently ran a Miss Hitler competition to boost its profile with young people
Women wore skull masks and performed Nazi salutes with their competition photos

Matthew Collins, from anti-fascist group Hope Not Hate, said: “Once these groups have teenagers under their spell they start gearing them up to carry out horrific attacks.

“They know these young lads hero-worship them and will do anything for them. They’re desperate to prove themselves, with many of them not just impressionable teenagers but also mentally unstable.


“Leaders will keep saying things like, ‘We just need a trigger to start a race war and get rid of the blacks’. They put loads of pressure on them to carry out these attacks, because the older ones don’t want to take the risk themselves.

“The Far Right in Britain is a tiny fraction of the size it once was but that means those who remain are the most dangerous elements of it.”

27-year-old Ben Raymond is the founder of a website that calls for 'race war' and genocide against Jewish peopleCredit: Hope Not Hate

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Renshaw, of Blackpool, is far from alone in his warped crusade to pervert impressionable minds.


University graduate Ben Raymond, 27, of Bognor Regis, West Sussex, is the co-founder of a website dubbed the “Nazi Facebook”, which declares: “Gas the k****, race war now.”

Pictures obtained by The Sun show the hardline Nazi wielding a rifle. Raymond once declared: “There are non-whites and Jews in my country who all need to be exterminated.”

Anti-racism campaigners have welcomed the decision to ban NA.

But with members constantly being pushed towards violence, it remains to be seen if the move will be enough to prevent another tragedy on Britain’s streets.



JEWISH student Izzy Lenga, 23, was subjected to foul anti-Semitic abuse and even death threats at the University of Birmingham after speaking out against racist graffiti. She explained:

"In October last year a friend sent me a picture showing a sticker that had been posted on the campus showing a picture of Adolf Hitler and captioned ‘Hitler was right’.

"I found it really shocking. It was clearly to scare Jewish students and stir up hatred.

"A few years before, the police got involved after someone drew swastikas and wrote ‘Islam must die’ on university buildings.

"I highlighted the sticker by tweeting a picture of it and was sent thousands of vile tweets from people who supported the message.

"Some sent pictures with my face in a gas chamber, or of me with Hitler. Some were threats of violence or death. Many identified themselves as being part of National Action (NA).

"Then NA members posted videos of themselves on the campus, writing racist graffiti and hanging flags.

"Knowing they were there was terrifying. I had to be monitored by police.

"The initial flurry of online activity went on for a week but still happens.

"Some days I didn’t even want to leave the house.

"But letting them get to me is exactly how they win. Anyone suffering this kind of abuse should speak out and report it."
