
No one, even pro-Palestine teachers and BBC reporters, should still doubt that Hamas is as evil as IS or al-Qaeda

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is urgently investigating — but the horse bolted from this stable years ago

Class warriors

IS it any wonder so many of our teenagers and students back the terrorist monsters of Hamas against Israel?

It’s not just that social media sites like TikTok pump out anti-Semitic propaganda, though that is a big factor.

A secondary school blithely asked pupils whether they believe it was 'fair' for Hamas to slaughter 1,200 Jews . . . to butcher babies, to rape, kidnap or execute young womenCredit: Getty

It’s that when it comes to Gaza vast numbers of their left-wing teachers and university lecturers are at best confused and at worst morally bankrupt.

Which is why a secondary school can blithely ask pupils whether they believe it was “fair” for Hamas to slaughter 1,200 Jews . . . to butcher babies, to rape, kidnap or execute young women.

All, as one angry mum claims, while showing the kids a wealth of material about Israel “taking Palestinian land” but far less about the atrocities on October 7 or the Holocaust.

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is urgently investigating — but the horse bolted from this stable years ago.

No one, even pro-Palestine teachers and discombobulated BBC reporters, should still doubt that Hamas is as evil as IS or al-Qaeda.

It is an outlawed band of psychopathic Islamist cut-throats whose fanatics are now being arrested across Europe for terror plots.

But the majority of our academics are left-wing, many extremely so and some openly anti-Semitic.

In their world it’s normal to take sides against a liberal democracy, Israel, in favour of a racist terrorist militia so hell-bent on a new Jewish genocide that it will ­sacrifice countless Gazans to achieve it.

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This moral rot has, incredibly, been allowed to fester despite 13 years of Conservative rule.

And, be in no doubt, if Labour wins power it will actually get worse.

Energy greed

WHY should households fork out a penny more to shore up energy firms already making eye-watering profits?

There is NO case for bills to rise to cover for customers who don’t pay, whatever the useless “regulator” Ofgem says.

There is NO case for bills to rise to cover for customers who don’t payCredit: Getty

British Gas just made a £969million profit. Ovo Energy has a billionaire owner. They can soak up bad debts.

Ofgem’s mission statement claims it exists “to protect energy customers”.

Cobblers. It protects profiteers and shareholders at customers’ expense.

Deadly delay

IT is indefensible for Labour to prefer seeing migrants risk their lives in the Channel than approve a deterrent which could end it.

The latest victim to die in a capsized boat will sadly not be the last.

It's indefensible for Labour to prefer seeing migrants risk their lives in a Channel than approve the Rwanda deterrentCredit: Getty

Labour witters on about “smashing the smuggling gangs” — but that work is of course already being done.

The Rwanda deportation scheme is designed to end their business model much more rapidly by making it pointless to spend thousands for a seat.

MPs should just back it and save lives.

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