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Man charged over threat to kill Donald Trump at inauguration is ‘family friend of Bill and Hilary Clinton who once donated £16,000 to Democrats’

Dominic Joseph Puopolo appeared in a Miami-Dade court after posting a video outlining his plan on Twitter

THE man who was arrested for allegedly threatening to kill President-elect Donald Trump at his Inauguration is thought to come from a family which is close with Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Dominic Joseph Puopolo Jr posted a video on Twitter saying he intended to use a high powered rifle to carry out the assassination attempt at the ceremony on Friday.

 Dominic Joseph Puopolo Jr has been arrested after making threats to kill Donald Trump at his Inauguration on Friday
Dominic Joseph Puopolo Jr has been arrested after making threats to kill Donald Trump at his Inauguration on Friday
 Photographs have emerged showing the suspect sitting near Hillary Clinton when she gave the eulogy at his mother Sonia's funeral
Photographs have emerged showing the suspect sitting near Hillary Clinton when she gave the eulogy at his mother Sonia's funeral
Up to 900,000 people are expected to attend the ceremony which is being held in Washington to see the billionaire sworn in as PresidentCredit: PA:Press Association
 Dominic Joseph Puopolo posted a video on Twitter saying he intended to use a high powered rifle to make the assassination attempt
Dominic Joseph Puopolo posted a video on Twitter saying he intended to use a high powered rifle to make the assassination attempt

But according to , he once donated £16,000 ($20,000US)  to the Democratic National Committee.

There are also photographs of him sitting near Hillary Clinton when she gave the eulogy at his mother Sonia's funeral - she was on one of the jets which flew into the World Trade Centre in the 9/11 attacks.

Clinton referred to Puopolo's "computer wizardry" during the speech.

A computer consultant, he claims to have given testimonies in terror cases as an expert witness - citing an appearance in a German federal court in Hamburg from 2003 to 2008.

Puopolo also alleges he served in the Navy.

He previously posted a photo of himself holding a photo of his mother in front of a wall with an image of Colin Powell and a snap of Ronald Reagan.

The website also claims Puopolo says he is a close friend of John Kerry, the outgoing Secretary of State, and has posted a number of photos of him

According to abc channel , he was arrested on Tuesday on a charge of threatening to harm a public servant.

Up to 900,000 people are expected to be watching the parade and Inauguration in Washington on Friday.

 Puopolo was arrested on Tuesday and appeared in court on Wednesday
Puopolo was arrested on Tuesday and appeared in court on Wednesday

Puopolo appeared in court in Miami-Dade on Wednesday after being taken in by cops.

The judge, Mindy Glazier, held up a photo of the tweet and read out what it said to the court.

She explained Puopolo, 51, was using the Twitter handle "lordjesuschrist1701@secretservice."

Glazier, brandishing a photocopy of the tweet read it out to the court saying: "On Inauguration day I will kill President-elect Donald Trump with a high powered rifle Wesley Scopes Booth."

Puopolo posted his video on Tuesday saying he was planning on killing President-elect Trump: "This is the 16th of January 2017. I will be at the review/inauguration and I will kill President Trump, President-elect Trump today."

The judge was told in court when she queried the name: "Your Honour he does go by the name, he claims to be Jesus Christ."

 Judge Mindy Glazier read out his Tweet with the threats in court in Miami
Judge Mindy Glazier read out his Tweet with the threats in court in Miami
 Puopolo calls himself Jesus Christ and his Defence team asked for a psychiatric evaluation
Puopolo calls himself Jesus Christ and his Defence team asked for a psychiatric evaluation

A report of his arrest said Puopolo confessed to detectives he stated on Twitter that he would kill Trump.

The Defence argued he was mentally ill and needed to undergo an evaluation.

Puopolo's bail was set at $1 million bond once he was deemed stable.

He is not the first person to make a death threat against Trump - when the billionaire was announced as the US Presidential election winner back in November last year, Twitter exploded with threats against his life.

One person tweeted: “I'm not saying someone should try and assasinate [sic] trump.... but if you do, don't miss."
