Cops blasted for failing to issue public appeal to find a fugitive knife crime suspect

His escape only came to light after the victim’s family were informed by cops and a local paper ran a story

COPS have been blasted for failing to issue a public appeal to find a fugitive knife crime suspect.

The force only admitted the lad was on the run after the news leaked.

Norfolk Police have been blasted for failing to issue a public appeal to find a fugitive knife crime suspect (stock image)

The 17-year-old — charged with attempted murder — absconded from local authority secure accommodation last weekend.

He had previously spent six weeks at large before his arrest over the stabbing of father-of-two Danny Norman in Thetford, Norfolk, in March.

Reporting restrictions applied by the courts prevent the youth from being named because of his age and Norfolk Police also refused to issue a description to help track him down.

Sources said his escape only came to light after the victim’s family were informed by cops and a local paper ran a story.

Ex-Met officer Peter Bleksley said the decision was “appalling, reckless, dangerous and woke”.

He added: “The public deserves to know what this fugitive looks like.”

Conservative MP Nigel Mills said the force’s decision was “ridiculous”.

He said: “How can the public help locate someone suspected of so serious a crime without any kind of description?

“It almost sounds like the police don’t want to catch them.”

Norman Brennan, chair of The Law and Order Foundation, said: “The police should identify him by name, description and areas he likes to frequent.

“They should go back to court.

“There must be special circumstances where a youth under 18 is rightly identified.”

Norfolk Police said its “enquiries are ongoing”.

A spokesman added: “Nothing can be published that could lead to the identification of a victim, witness or defendant under 18 years old.”

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