Schools trust boss now trousering £420,000… TRIPLE what PM takes home
Probe into trusts reveals academy bosses bank roll
A SCHOOLS boss has seen his pay soar to more than £420,000 — almost triple the PM’s salary.
The fortune is being paid to Sir Dan Moynihan, head of an academy trust responsible for 41 schools.
A probe into 20 trusts by the Times Educational Supplement exposed him as top earner.
His latest pay rise was a bumper £20,000, accounts for the Harris Federation show.
Theresa May gets around £150,000 a year.
The trust, which oversees primaries and secondaries in and around London, defended its chief executive’s huge pay. A spokeswoman said: “Our board recognises that leadership is among the key drivers of our success.”
Another chief executive running 66 schools across England was on £236,000 before he stepped down.
Ian Comfort’s pay at Academies Enterprise Trust was up from £225,000 the year before.
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At Ark Schools, which oversees 35 academies, five staff are on more than the PM. The probe also revealed three trusts fell victim to fraud last year.
One, Bright Futures Educational Trust, paid a bogus £15,999 invoice. It said: “We recovered most of the money.”