Hated IHAT probe which hounded troops with war crime slurs FINALLY set to shut
Michael Fallon has confirmed a final date for the IHAT probe which was set up to pursue allegations of wrongdoing during the Iraq War
THE hated IHAT probe which has hounded hundreds of innocent troops over vile war crime slurs will close on June 30.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon confirmed a final closure date last Monday - ending almost a decade of misery for Our Boys and Girls.
Hundreds of heroes lives’ have been ruined by the £57m Iraq Historic Allegations Team – set up in 2010 - to pursue allegations of wrongdoing during the Iraq War.
But it has resulted in not one proseccution.
Once wrapped up at the end of June the remaining cases - expected to number around 20 - will then be dealt with by the Service Police, a combination of Royal Navy Police and Royal Air Force Police, led by a senior Royal Navy Police officer.
Officials confirmed "all" investigations are expected to be completed by the end of next year.
IHAT could only be closed thanks to the demise of "tank chasing" Phil Shiner, 60, who flooded investigators with over 2,400 spurious cases to make money.
Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said: “We took the unprecedented step of submitting evidence which saw Phil Shiner struck off and allowed IHAT to dispose of many false allegations he made.
"Now I can confirm that IHAT will close in June and the Service Police should complete investigations into the small number of remaining cases a year earlier than planned.
"We are taking steps to make sure the reputation of our Armed Forces cannot be attacked in this dishonest way again.”
In 2015 the Defence Secretary directed the MOD to submit evidence of wrongdoing by Shiner which led to legal watchdog the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal striking him off in February.
He was not only barred from practising as a lawyer, he was also ordered to pay a minimum £250k towards the cost of the hearing.
Months previously he was forced to shut his Birmingham based firm Public Interest Lawyers after the Legal Aid Agency stopped giving him taxpayers cash to sue the Government.
He has recently declared himself bankrupt in an alleged bid to dodge fines.
With Shiner out of business, IHAT's work load has dropped to a level where by it can soon cease operating.
The MoD said IHAT’s caseload is expected to reduce from a peak of over 3,000 allegations to around 20 investigations by the time it closes.
Chief of the General Staff General Sir Nick Carter said:
“The Army’s Leadership Code requires the highest values and standards. It is right therefore that on the occasions that there are credible allegations of unacceptable behaviour they should be investigated.
"However, a significant number of claims made against our soldiers have not been credible.
"The recent exposure of unscrupulous law firms and vexatious claims has clearly shown this to be the case; it is right therefore that the Defence Secretary has decided to close IHAT and hand over the remaining investigations to the Service Police, a process the Army supports.
"Mutual trust is at the heart of the Army Leadership Code as is the care of soldiers and their families.
"We therefore welcome the Government’s commitment to ensuring we have the Nation’s confidence and the tools to do our jobs effectively on operations, free from the burden of unjust litigation.”
The Service Police will be supported by a minimum level of essential contractor support for "specialist back office functions", such as the operation of the Forensic Data Handling computer, in order to complete investigations.
Following outrage over the behaviour of contractors provided by the Red Snapper firm, contractors will now have no contact with UK witnesses or suspects, said officials.