
Melania Trump’s expression looks like she’s saddled with a man she can’t bear

This week it emerged the President of the United States didn't even buy his wife a birthday present despite her support of him

COMEDIAN Frankie Boyle once said Melania Trump “has the eyes of someone waiting with increasing impatience for Stockholm syndrome to set in”.

A year on, her expression of frozen horror suggests even that faint hope is now lost and realisation has dawned on her that she’s saddled with a man she can’t bear.

Trump didn't have time to get his wife Melania a birthday presentCredit: AFP or licensors

You don’t need to be behavioural expert Desmond Morris to see that the body language between her and The Donald is set to mute.

And little wonder.

For, despite the humiliations of “Pussygate” and his alleged affairs with both a porn star and former Playboy Bunny, she has resolutely backed him by issuing stiff statements of support and continuing to stand by his side as his effortlessly stylish “First Lady” on the world stage.

In return, he should be metaphorically grovelling at her Louboutin-clad feet.

The couple don't look happy together in this red-carpet snapCredit: Splash News

Yet, this week, it emerged that the emotional pygmy didn’t even bother to buy her a birthday present.

“I got her a beautiful card and beautiful flowers. You know, I’m very busy to be running out looking for presents, OK?” he told an interviewer this week.

Yet, according to Michael Wolff, author of Fire And Fury: Inside The Trump White House, the President reportedly rises at 5.30am for “executive time” (is that what they call it these days?) and watches cable news shows until his first meeting at 11am.


Plenty of time, then, to get on the laptop and order his long-suffering wife a gift that suggests he’s actually put some thought into it.

Instead, the man with 24-carat gold bathroom fittings treated her birthday, and therefore her, as at best an inconvenience, or worse, an irrelevance.

This isn’t about materialism. It’s simply about giving a damn.

A thoughtful gift, whatever it costs, shows that you care enough to put in time and effort beyond getting your secretary to order the same flowers you might send to an acquaintance whose mother has died.


That Trump didn’t bother speaks volumes about how low he places Melania in his priorities.

Little wonder that, on her 48th birthday, she wore a strikingly wide-brimmed hat that would have thwarted any attempt by her woeful husband to publicly kiss her.

Instead, alongside the obviously comfortable chemistry of French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, the Trumps looked like reality show contestants having their first meeting at the altar.
One of Trump’s alleged flings, former Playboy bunny Karen McDougal, claims he gave her a tour of the marital apartment and pointed out that Melania had a separate bedroom because “she liked her space to read or be alone.”

Well, married to him, you would, wouldn’t you?


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Also in his book, Michael Wolff claims that over the first 12 years of their marriage, Donald and Melania “spent relatively little time together. They could go days at a time without contact, even when they were both in Trump Tower”.

That was perhaps easier to do when he was a glorified estate agent but, now he’s Potus, all eyes are on the “First Couple” to see if the essential “happy family” political narrative is holding up.

But, it doesn’t mean she has to like it.

Which, if recent photos are anything to go by, she clearly doesn’t.


Trouble on the words

PENSIONER Joan Blaber  died after drinking cleaning fluid that ended up in a water jug at Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.
There’s no evidence to suggest it was a deliberate act but at an inquest into her death, the coroner expressed concern that some of the staff involved in Joan’s “care” spoke such poor English that police had to interview them via translators.

Joan Blaber after drinking cleaning fluid

She said: “How do you train staff . . . in the rather more intricate matters you need to understand when you are handling and dealing with substances which . . . are potentially extremely hazardous?”
How, indeed. And quite apart from that, being elderly and in hospital is isolating and intimidating enough without being surrounded by people who can’t even communicate with you on the most fundamental level.

Alexandra the great

SHORTLY after splitting up from his long-suffering wife Alexandra, Bake Off’s, ahem, master baker Paul Hollywood started seeing 22-year-old Summer Monteys-Fullam.
Dignified Alexandra, a food writer, hasn’t commented on her estranged husband’s mid-life shenanigans but this week she set minds boggling by posting a recipe for “a summer berry tart” followed by the hashtag #easy.

Paul Hollywood with his ex wife AlexandraCredit: Rex Features
Paul Hollywood with his younger lover Summer Monteys-FullamCredit: The Mega Agency

A coincidence, perhaps?
Or is revenge a dish best served cold with a big fat berry on top?



Gift list anxiety

WHEN a wedding invitation drops on the mat, you might think that the first action is to RSVP.

Oh, you naive fool.

No. It’s to get on the gift list site before every-one else and nab one of the perilously few items priced at less than a squillion pounds.


Believe me, you have to be quicker off the mark than Usain Bolt. And now, according to a new survey by John Lewis, my GLA (gift list anxiety) is about to get a whole lot worse.

Gone are the toasters, plates and reasonably priced napkin rings, replaced by voice-activated speakers, Star Wars droids (eh?), barista-style coffee machines and, wait for it, fire pits.

Chuffing fire pits???

Holy roast marsh-mallows. They cost a small fortune.

And don’t get me started on how you’d even try to wrap the damned thing.

The long weekend

THE headmistress of Ashby Fields Primary School in Daventry, Northants, has proposed closing early on Fridays to prevent staff from “burning out”.
They have just enjoyed two weeks off for Easter, have a forthcoming week’s holiday in May, and then, of course, six weeks off for the summer.
Yes, you can see why they’re exhausted, poor lambs.

Lay off Diane

I DON’T know why everyone is having a go at Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott for her supposedly “car crash” appearance on GMB this week.

Personally, I think she’s brilliant.

And the more she’s on our screens, the better . . .

. . . the chances that we won’t get a Corbynite government.

Ah, poor lil' Miss Moffatt

SCARLETT MOFFATT has given her first interview since it was revealed she went to a boot camp to lose the final weight she was required to shift in time for the release of her fitness DVD.
For ongoing legal reasons, she was coy about exactly what happened behind the scenes – but she admitted she cried a lot when the story came out.

Scarlett admits she was devastated over her fitness DVD

She adds: “In a way, I’m almost relieved and hope we can turn it into a positive, start a conversation about the way we criticise and talk about women.
“All the new articles focus on how I look. Why aren’t we celebrating women’s achieve-ments more? Women aren’t just an aesthetic shell.”
Indeed they’re not. A good start, perhaps, would be to refuse to buy those opportunistic DVDs where some celebrity cynically uses a “before” photo of them looking, ahem, curvy, and places it alongside a “size 8” aftershot following an unsustainable crash diet.
Oh, hang on a minute . . .


'The jogging tramp'

A RUNNER in the London Marathon lost his entry number near the end of the race.

It was picked up by Stanley Skupien who crossed the finish line and claimed the medal. But after posing for photos, he got caught out.
Stanley, 38, who also guzzled the beer and wine of spectators along the way, claims he ran 14 miles of the race.
Turns out he sleeps rough at Heathrow’s Terminal 3 where staff refer to him as “the jogging tramp”.
Given his impressive ingenuity and energy levels, perhaps he could now channel them in to finding a job?
