Brit couple take out £9k loan to have pioneering surgery on unborn baby in Germany
Georgia Axford, 19, and Tyler Kelly, 20, discovered their daughter had spina bifida - a gap in the spine, at their 20-week scan four weeks ago
A BRITISH couple have travelled to Germany to have pioneering surgery on their unborn baby.
Georgia Axford, 19, and Tyler Kelly, 20, took out a £9,000 loan to fund the op when a 20-week scan showed their daughter had spina bifida.
Doctors said fetoscopic surgery to close up a gap in the baby’s spine could help but it is not available on the NHS.
Georgia said before the op: “It’s quite scary — but we’d do anything for our little girl.”
The mum-to-be is now out of intensive care after surgery at a hospital in Giessen, near Frankfurt.
Tyler, from Yate, South Gloucs, said Georgia was doing “really well”.
A Just Giving web page has been set up called .