Heartbreaking photo of moose who drowned after being scared into a lake by noisy tourists trying to take a selfie with it
The moose was already tired before a crowd of people forced it back into the water in fear
A MOOSE drowned after it was scared by a crowd of people taking selfies with it and ran into a lake to escape.
After having already travelled several miles through Vermont, it emerged from the water exhausted.
However, when “half a dozen” people crowded round to take its picture, it hastily retreated back into the lake, where it did not have the energy to stay above the surface.
Vermont Fish and Wildlife Wardens responded to remove the dead moose from the water.
Sheriff Ray Allen warned that, despite being “amazing” creatures, moose are wild animals and should be left alone.
Photos on Facebook showed the animal lying dead in the back of a lorry after it was found by wildlife officials.
Fish and Wildlife Officer Robert Currier said: “If a moose feels threatened it’s going to respond by either leaving the area or it’s going to respond with aggression.”
Mr Currier arrived before the moose drowned by the time a boat arrived to help them rescue the animal it was too late.
“It was really rough out there,” he said “probably four- to five-foot swells and high wind.”