Was this ancient civilisation built to survive catastrophic Noah’s Ark flood thousands of years ago?
A history enthusiast claims the island of Ruad off Syria holds key evidence that an ancient civilisation lived there
A YouTube historian has claimed to have found "highly compelling" evidence for the Old Testament flood featured in the story of Noah's Ark.
Noah's Ark is one of the most well-known narratives of the Old Testament in Christianity and Judaism.
The Bible details how God sent a flood to extinguish the human race as he "saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the Earth."
But he spared Noah and his family's lives by instructing them to build an ark to hold two of every animal.
YouTube channel Mystery History claims that Ruad Island in the Mediterranean Sea, the only inhabited island of Syria, is proof of the Genesis story's accuracy.
The island was once protected on all sides with colossal megalithic blocks - usually believed to be the work of Roman architecture.
But the narrator of Mystery History questions scholarly accounts and claims the structures are significantly older.
He then goes on to suggest the society behind the walls could have been lost forever after a historic event such as a flood.
The narrator says: "The wall of Ruad’s condition, along with the inexplicable nature of its construction, is notably indicative of lost knowledge but subsequently evades current explanation.
“How these structures were built is a mystery but if they were completed by our own, more modern ancestors, why is this knowledge lost to the aeons?
“Why did these ancestors not continue these feats of modern engineering?
“It is a tale some find very challenging.”
The video has been viewed over 100,000 times and the suggestion that the walls were built by a "pre-flood civilisation" has sparked debate over whether Ruad's ruins prove the Noah's Ark story.
“Built during the days of giants, before Noah,” one viewer commented.
While another commented: “Son of God, Giant, built those buildings before the flood of Noah.”