Muslim parents vow to continue boycotting school until ‘gay relationship lessons’ are axed
The protest follows last Friday’s action when 600 pupils were taken out of Parkfield Community School in Birmingham
MUSLIM parents on Tuesday vowed to continue boycotting a school which teaches kids about gay relationships until the classes are axed.
Furious mums and dads have protested outside the school and taken kids out of classes after they claimed their children were being “brainwashed” about gay lifestyles.
They opposed the “No Outsiders” programme to educate kids on same-sex relationships at Parkfield Community School, in Birmingham.
In January school bosses started a consultation process with parents about the LGBT section of the course.
The lessons – championed by gay assistant head Andrew Moffat – will still go ahead after Easter.
Fuming parents say a letter sent from the school confirmed the course would be rolled out as planned next term but is "deliberately misleading."
Razina Mahmood, 40, a solicitor, with a four-year-old son and five-year-old daughter at the school, said: “The school has misled parents. This is a pattern of behaviour we are finding.
“They told parents they would enter into a consultation with the parents on the ‘No Outsiders’ programme, which they would be teaching next term.
“They have now twisted that to say it has been halted, as if the issue has been put to bed.
“We are concerned the LGBT lessons will still happen next term.
“We don’t want people to think it has been dealt with, because it hasn’t.
“It has been taught for four years, but this year it was scheduled to be taught next term, not this term.
“The school has proposed having another consultation now because the initial consultation was not effective.
“The school initially said teaching LGBT was an essential part of the Equality Act.
“The programme seeks to challenge the idea of heteronormativity, but you can only challenge that by promoting homosexuality as being the norm.
“Heterosexuality is the prevalent norm, homosexuality is the minority but that doesn’t mean it should be treated with any less respect.”
Dad Mo Aslam, 40, whose six-year-old daughter attends the school, said: “It’s shocking the school has said they have stopped them.
“The school is misleading everyone.
“They haven’t stopped teaching No Outsiders. It’s already pre-planned.
“The parents never agreed anything with the school.
“The lessons are still scheduled for after Easter. They are going to be taught LGBT, they are not stopping the lessons.”
Last Friday 600 children, aged between four and 11, were pulled out of school for the morning.
Parents have vowed to stage multiple future protests, including one on Thursday until the school agrees to scrap the lessons permanently.
Last night the school claimed the parents' protests had become "personal" against Mr Moffat in particular and confirmed the lessons championed by the gay assistant head will still go ahead after Easter.
Hazel Pulley, Chief Executive of Excelsior Multi Academy Trust which runs the school, said: “The lessons are there for after Easter.
“Equalities education will continue.”
She added that the protests by a group of parents had “become personal” against “specific members of staff.”
Samena Malik, 34, a housewife with a daughter aged six said:"They are continuing to teach LGBT, and that’s why the parents are still protesting.
“The kids are very young to understand this. This information is going to confuse the kids. They are going to be alarmed and shocked.
“Teach it in secondary school when they are wiser. They don’t need to be taught this stuff right now.”
Muhammad Younas Awan, 39, an accountant and healthcare assistant, with a six-year-old son at the school, said: “The school has to stand up and take Mr Moffat out of this kind of stuff.
“My concern is parents will put their children in other schools."
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