Why are we too PC to fight knife crime when people are being stabbed every day?
ONCE again, Britain’s chattering classes have gone into meltdown over a Donald Trump tweet.
This is a favourite pastime of leftists and snowflakes, scouring Trump’s Twitter feed for controversial comments then whining about them for days on end.
This time, the President’s Twittercrime was to write about London’s knife-crime epidemic and blame Mayor Sadiq Khan.
Referring to the latest spate of violence — which also included a shooting and left three people dead in the space of 55 hours — Trump retweeted a post by controversial commentator Katie Hopkins criticising the mayor.
He added: “London needs a new Mayor ASAP. Khan is a disaster — will only get worse!”
Conservative leadership hopeful Michael Gove, rather pathetically being led round by the nose by Twitter, said: “I think it is always a mistake to retweet anything Katie Hopkins tweets.”