Voters will take ballot box revenge on Remainers trying to stop Brexit being enacted
THE Remainer coup — to seize power and stop the biggest ballot box mandate in British history from being enacted — is now fully and shamefully under way.
The chaos, division and damage this could unleash is incalculable.
We are repulsed by the self-satisfaction and sickening disregard for our democracy of those behind it: Marxist Labour, the Lib Dems, deluded Tory “rebels”, grandstanding ex-Tory defectors.
Last week our streets were blocked by idiotic Europhile protesters, with zero sense of proportion or grasp of history, witlessly branding Boris Johnson a “dictator” orchestrating “a coup”.
He must be the first dictator defeated within days by a Parliamentary majority.
But how can the Remainer antics be called anything but a coup?
When MPs who once vowed to honour the referendum result vote instead to proceed with a dodgy Bill, enabled by their puppet Speaker, surrendering power to the EU to determine a delay of its choosing — to be rubber-stamped by our Remainer-dominated Parliament.
Will three months suit Brussels? Six, maybe? How about ten years?
Remainers will, have no doubt, sign off whatever the EU decides.
They have no plan, beyond the second referendum some want. As for the Brexit majority, the 17.4million little people who voted Leave, they don’t count. Westminster Remoaners despise them.
Yesterday the PM lost his Commons majority as self-aggrandising turncoat Phillip Lee threw in his lot with the Lib Dems.
What choice does Boris have but to trigger an election? He cannot govern. Remainers have forced him into it.
Yet Labour, incredibly, have bottled it, hiding their yellow cowardice behind a convoluted conspiracy theory. What an unprincipled joke of a party they are.
We will not mourn the disloyal Tories now being purged as Boris threatened. What did they expect?
What gives failed ex-Chancellor Philip Hammond a divine right to be a Tory after blowing up the Government’s central policy? His career deserves to end in treacherous disgrace.
Voters are watching with revulsion.
Soon, we hope, they will take ballot box revenge on those responsible.
Shut it, Harry
WE “can all do better” on the environment and strive for a “bigger purpose in life”, pontificates jet-setting eco bore Prince Harry.
Speak for yourself, mate. You speak for no one else. It’s bad enough being hectored by globe-trotting showbiz hypocrites. Harry has a platform only through accident of birth.
The Sun misses the fun bloke he once was. We still admire his Army service. But Britain is sick of his “woke” sermons.
More mature Royals know better than to lecture those who keep them in clover.
They must take Harry in hand. He’s doing the family untold damage.
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