Red Dead Redemption 2 sells DOUBLE the original as it hijacks UK charts
It's the fastest launch for a non-annual franchise this generation, only falling behind some of FIFA and Call of Duty's annual offerings
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ROCKSTAR'S latest epic, Red Dead Redemption 2, has galloped to the top of the UK charts after selling twice as many boxed copies in its opening week than its predecessor.
Given the massive growth in share digital sales take up since the original Red Dead Redemption, the total figure is going to be even higher.
It's also even more impressive considering that the original was released on a Tuesday rather than a Friday, giving it an opening week three days longer.
It's not quite the fastest-selling game of the year so far, though.
- Xbox RDR2 bundle at Very for £369.99 (Code: 40OFF) –
That accolade goes to FIFA 19, according to sales-tracking body GfK.
RDR2's initial sales are the best of any game this generation in the UK outside of the annual behemoths of Call of Duty and FIFA, to boot.
While it didn't beat FIFA, Call of Duty: Black Ops III or Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare at the tills, it did beat Call of Duty: WWII and this year's Black Ops IV.
It comfortably beat Bethesda's behemoth Fallout IV into a cocked ten-gallon hat, though to secure its place as the third-fastest-selling non FIFA game of this console generation.
It has also single-handedly boosted the UK physical games sales business -- the total market revenue is now up 2.8% this year compared to last despite the huge growth in digital sales.
Still want to get your hands on a copy? You can find the cheapest deals here, or you can still snaffle yourself a copy bundled with an Xbox One X to enjoy it in 4K HDR (along with the gorgeous Forza Horizon) .
- Xbox RDR2 bundle at Very for £369.99 (Code: 40OFF) –