Desperate Putin is on the ropes – it’s time the West helped Ukraine deliver the knockout blow, says Piers Morgan
VLADIMIR Putin invaded Ukraine to show the Russian people and the world how big and strong he and his military are.
A global heavyweight that could bully its neighbours into submission - and punch its way to domination.
Instead, humiliatingly for the increasingly isolated and pathetic tinpot dictator, he’s showing us all the complete opposite.
Against all the odds, Putin’s now on the ropes. Smacked to the canvas by staggeringly brave Ukrainian resistance - and his own tactical stupidity.
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Don’t take my word for it, even retired Russian colonels on Russia’s state TV - which spews out endless Kremlin propaganda - are now admitting they’re on the back foot.
It’s hard to overstate how significant that statement is in a country where any criticism of Putin usually ends very badly for the person saying it.
But all the evidence suggests it’s true and desperate Putin’s now personally making decisions normally made by colonels.
Maybe because so many of his colonels, at least 40, have been killed in the war.
Along with 27,000 troops, a third of Putin’s invasion force.
And the smouldering skeletons of more than 650 Russian tanks and 3,000 armoured vehicles dot the Ukrainian landscape as a striking reminder of their leader’s military missteps.
It’s far too early and optimistic to suggest Ukraine’s winning.
The toughest bouts undoubtedly lie ahead as Putin tries to maul his way out of a defeat that he knows could finish him.
But nobody gave the Ukrainians a hope in hell when Russian forces invaded 82 long days ago, so the fact they are where they are today is astonishing and a testament to their incredible fighting spirit.
And to compound Putin’s woes, instead of achieving his aim of scaring off countries from joining NATO, the invasion has made Russian neighbours like Finland and Sweden abandon decades of neutrality to rush to join the alliance.
Putin’s lost support from much of the world, and now he’s losing support inside Russia.
On the night I speak to a heavyweight boxing champion helping to inspire Ukraine’s astonishing resilience, it’s time the West ramped up our efforts to help them deliver the knockout blow.
Ssshhh.. it’s the word that must not be spoken.
It can be alluded to - but never said.
Suggested - but always censored.
It’s the W-Word, of course.
Inconveniently, it refers to about 50% of the world’s population.
But fortunately, all-inclusive linguistic innovators have come up with many colourful alternatives which are apparently less offensive
Birthing people, menstruators, bodies with vaginas, individuals with a cervix, chest-feeders…
…and most importantly of all…Womxn.
Wom-inx? Wom-exxon? Womex?
How do you even say it?
Former First Lady Michelle Obama took to Instagram on Saturday to encourage U.S voters to get involved in the upcoming midterm elections - especially in states where abortion rights are under threat.
One of the slides she shared said: “'State lawmakers will have the power to strip womxn of the right to make decisions about their bodies and their healthcare.”
Those who watched last night’s show will know we had some issues with offensive language, so I say this with some trepidation:
It’s WOMAN, Michelle.
No ‘x’.
What makes this so particularly absurd is that Mrs Obama’s post was supposed to be supporting women’s rights.
Instead, she’s trampled on them by pandering to a tiny minority of people who get upset when they hear a word that’s been used for centuries to describe people who aren’t men.
The term womxn is supposed to be a mark of respect to transgender and non-binary people who identify as women.
But what about the mark of disrespect it shows the vast majority of women who have no wish to be called womxn?
Where are THEIR rights in all this virtue-signalling language mangling?
Reducing half of the world’s population to an unpronounceable letter salad does nothing but deride women and draw mockery to the trans cause.
Michelle Obama should know better than to fuel this nonsense.
Sometimes news stories are so absurd they look more like satirical parodies.
And I thought someone must be having a laugh when I saw Spice Girl-turned-fashion designer Victoria Beckham declaring that wanting to be thin is an “old-fashioned attitude.”
“Women today want to look healthy and curvy,” she told a glossy magazine as she unveiled her latest collection.
Wait… what?!
Is this the same Victoria Beckham notorious for literally eating salad leaves for lunch?
For many years, she has deliberately used skeletal gaunt, hollow-cheeked size-zero models to flog her fashion, which I have regularly criticised as a horribly dangerous inspiration to the tens of millions of young girls who follow her on social media.
And I suspect this sudden U-turn to celebrating curvier bodies is more connected to her struggling business, which has lost millions and never made a profit, than about her dramatic conversion to the aesthetic charms of larger lady.
As this new cover of Sports Illustrated shows, fat is the new thin – and where all the fashion money’s now going.
Meanwhile, these are the women currently modelling Victoria Beckham’s new VB Body range.
I’ve seen more curves on a Roman road.
So, stick a cork in your body positive preaching, Posh – I see right through the very little of you.
There are three things that are certain in life - death, taxes, and snowflakes complaining about me.
We knew when we recorded the TV advert for this show - poking fun at the over-sensitive woke brigade - there would immediately be a wave of frenzied protests.
Right on cue, formal complaints were lodged to the Advertising Standards Authority, which is the UK's ad regulator, by people moaning about how offended they were.
This is the deeply offensive and triggering promo we ran.
Yes, 38 snowflakes were so distressed by what you just saw that they felt moved to make formal representations.
They complained that the ad was offensive as it was: "targeting marginalised communities and making light of the discrimination they face...
"A number of complainants objected particularly to the 'some people don't identify as people' line."
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Fortunately, sound judgement has prevailed and the authority rejected those complaints.
This is a victory for free speech, sanity and common sense, and to celebrate.