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Garden Rescue’s Charlie Dimmock floored by ‘strangest shaped plot’ in shows history before epic transformation

CHARLIE Dimmock was left utterly bemused on Garden Rescue by what she described as the "strangest shaped plot".

Described as "lovers of the sunshine," Doris and Petra from Stoke on Trent were paid a visit by the BBC Two team.

Charlie Dimmock was completely thrown off guard by the strange plot
Charlie Dimmock was completely thrown off guard by the strange plotCredit: BBC
Doris and Petra needed a makeover of their garden after a massive accident
Doris and Petra needed a makeover of their garden after a massive accidentCredit: BBC

The pair were concerned as Doris was recently admitted to hospital after she fell off the wall as they described garden's paving as "uneven".

Charlie Dimmock and Chris Hull paid a visit to the duo, but she was left completely floored by the "rocket-shaped" patch of land.

On a £4,000 budget, Chris suggested they relay the steps and reuse some of the slabs that were already existing in the garden.

He wanted a planting bed to be placed where Doris fell and he also opted for a slatted trellis screen.


Meanwhile, Charlie wanted to place stepping stones up the lawn to a brand new sunshine patio area for optimal comfort.

She also suggested planting areas at the end of the garden to make the best use of the space available.

The contributing pair eventually decided to go for Chris' design after much deliberation.

Doris declared: "We really liked the tree on the back, the blossom tree and also the archway. It's great that you built in that German heritage."

The contributor was originally from Germany but her husband was from Newcastle-under-Lyme.

However, as they got to work the production manager named Ben immediately spotted various issues.

"This is going to be an awkward one for us. It's pointy up to the top corner and there are levels all over the place and access is not the best for us," he explained.

"Because of all the different heights, we're going to use all the sleepers to help us level it out and make it safe for us."

The two personalities then arrived back on the site where Chris remarked: "It's a German-inspired meadow to remind Doris of her childhood. What I really wanted to do was own it and frame that end and soften the point up. "

Charlie was tasked with creating the focal point at the end of the garden so she planted a Judas tree.

Meanwhile, Chris worked on the flower beds and the railings towards the house.

When it was completed Charlie exclaimed: "This looks like a totally different garden!

";Not a trip hazard in sight, reused all the materials and gave them a lovely seating area."

Her Garden Rescue co-host added: "It's like different little rooms, you've got this big open space, this middle transition section and I love your area."


The pair were thrilled when they caught the first look of the space and they approved of the chosen plants.

Doris remarked: "They do remind me of home. That's good yeah. It's absolutely fantastic. It's safe and not wobbly. It's really lovely, you can really relax in it."

Doris was admitted to A&E after she fell off a wall due to the uneven pavement
Doris was admitted to A&E after she fell off a wall due to the uneven pavementCredit: bbc
Chris Hull and Charlie Dimmock were tasked with changing the space
Chris Hull and Charlie Dimmock were tasked with changing the spaceCredit: bbc
After the work was completed, the pair were delighted by their new space
After the work was completed, the pair were delighted by their new spaceCredit: bbc