'The Full Angelina'

Xtra Factor host Matt Edmondson recently became a dad… so when will it be Rylan Clark-Neal’s turn? And will he look for babies abroad?

Rylan and his Xtra Factor co-presenter Matt Edmondson compare notes on what kind of dads they'll be, as TV Magazine's exclusive column continues

The Xtra Factor's Matt and his wife Bryony welcomed their daughter into the world a month ago - so what has Baby Edmondson got in store?


Rylan Clark-Neal holds his Xtra Factor co-host Matt Edmondson in high regardCredit: ITV

Rylan: Matt will be the sort of dad that everyone would look at, at the school gates, and go: ‘Oh my god, look, teenage dad!’ because he looks 12. But at the same time, all the other kids will be jealous, because you know Matt is going to be the coolest dad. Because he’ll take you camping…

Matt: I hate camping!

Rylan: But you will go. And the next thing you know, the kid will know every magic trick under the sun.

Matt: That is true, I do do magic. Magic tricks and games are my thing.


Rylan: I’d love to have kids. I will have kids. Not yet, I think in another year or so. I need to get a couple of things out the way first. I need to be a bit selfish.

Matt: You should go on a nice big holiday.

I will have my own kids. Probably.

Rylan Clark-NealXtra Factor host

Rylan: What, and just bring one back?

Matt: Don’t do that. Don’t go the full Angelina.


Rylan: No, I will have my own kids. Probably.
