Orlando Bloom goes full Zoolander in pretentious photoshoot as he complains about fiancé Katy Perry’s career
FLAUNTING his six-pack and flouncing around a beach in an odd mix of dressing gown and pants, Orlando Bloom doesn’t seem like he finds fame difficult.
With his Zoolander Blue Steel poses in a series of similarly strange outfits, he looks more like the catalogue man who got the cream.
“It’s like getting into a burning vehicle, right?” Orlando explains.
Crazy arrow
“Like, OK, just make sure you got a safety team, because you’ve got to have a fire-retardant suit on, a helmet, the gloves, you’ve got to get into the suit and everyone’s going to go, ‘Oh my god, it’s on fire, look at it’.
“Anyone who tells you different, I think, has maybe drunk the Kool-Aid, or bought the wrong ticket, because it’s a job.”
Orlando, who has starred in The Lord Of The Rings and Pirates Of The Caribbean film franchises, also credits Buddhism for helping him not to feel jealous of other stars in Tinseltown.
He says: “I think there’s a lot of competition in our industry, absolutely, but I’ve never been trying to compete with anyone other than myself.
“(Someone like) Tom Cruise is the head of this crazy arrow that is that sort of movie star idea, and that’s a life that I’m not sure what it must be like sometimes for his mind . . . I try to have understanding for everybody’s process, because mine has been really unique also.”
As for his relationship with pop star Katy Perry, he says: “There’s definitely never a dull moment.”
Which also applies to quirky fashion shoots like this one, presumably.
By Clemmie Moodie, Sun Columnist
ORLANDO BLOOM is a 46-year-old bloke from Canterbury, Kent.
Perhaps someone should remind him.
Instead, here we have our very own, home-grown Orlando brooding into the camera lens wearing socks, sandals and his little white Y-fronts.
It’s the kind of aesthetic which would get Derek from Skipton arrested. But being an uber-trendy magazine – Flaunt – this, dahling, is high fashion.
Other “looks” see Orlando staring wistfully into the yonder wearing a pink fluffy jumper, peeling an apple while wearing a fishnet vest and sporting a gold chain/Miami Vice jacket combo.
The latter, coincidentally, has a distinct whiff of Dominic West about it.
My favourite is Orlando standing proud, like a toddler on his first day at nursery. With his high socks and navy shorts, it’s all very Prince George.
Unquestionably, the actor is a good-looking chap.
And I’m sure Amazon’s PR team is suitably chuffed with the requisite plugs for his new show, Carnival Row (there’s another, guys).
Stark naked
Less chuffed, though, must be his fiancée, Katy Perry.
Orlando appears to regard interviews as bonus therapy time.
“We’re in two very different pools,” he says of their relationship. “Her pool is not a pool that I necessarily understand, and I think my pool is not a pool that she necessarily understands.
“Sometimes things are really, really, really, challenging. I won’t lie. We definitely battle with our emotions and creativity, (but) I think we’re both aware of how blessed we are to have uniquely connected in the way that we did at the time that we did.”
If I were Katy, I’d be raging. Raging.
The Pirates Of The Caribbean star – once pictured stark naked on a paddleboard – has previously spoken of chanting for 20 minutes a day, “eye-gazing” with Daisy Dove, his two-year-old daughter with Katy, and adding “brain octane oil” to his pre-breakfast smoothie.
Orlando, a devoted Buddhist, is certainly a man in touch with his feelings. He’s come a long way from Canterbury
- Photographed by Kurt Iswarienko
- Styled by Monty Jackson at A-Frame Agency
- Groomer: Lori Guidroz
- Producer: Garett Quigley
- Coordinator: Ryan Wanat
- Digital Tech: John Schoenfeld
- Location: Casa del Mar Inn
- Flaunt Film: Yong Kim at Otto Motto