Terror-plot thriller Unlocked is a pretty thrilling movie – until Orlando Bloom turns up
Despite all the classy cameos from Michael Douglas and Toni Colette, Bloom has an absolute shocker - it is worth going to see this film purely for this utter awfulness
Noomi Rapace is a troubled ex-CIA agent who gets dragged back into the field to try and solve a terrorist plot involving Twelve Monkey style biological weapons.
It becomes clear pretty quickly that she can trust no-one, leading us into a pretty thrilling film where we are right by her side, trying to work out who to trust and obv where the bloody biological horror is at.
Pretty thrilling that is, until Orlando Bloom turns up.
Despite all the classy cameos from Michael Douglas and Toni Colette, Bloom has an absolute SHOCKER.
It is worth going to see this film purely for this utter awfulness.
His cockney “robber” is a completely pointless character given some absolutely shocking lines and serves zero purpose to plot nor character.
Honestly - it is perplexing were it not such a brazen marketing technique.
Luckily for the producers they had John Malkovich up their sleeve who dials up the scenery-chewing dampness to a film-saving level.
It’s a movie version of Homeland - fun, full of loud bangs and twists, but I can’t get past Bloom’s wilting performance.
Unlocked (15) 98 mins