The Emoji Movie fails to deliver any actual emotion but the kids might like the poo jokes
Picture Wreck-It Ralph made by marketing machines and a handful of decent gags is not enough to save it
The Emoji Movie
IT’S fair to say this animated movie isn’t aimed at me.
I have never attached a smiley face to a message in my life. As far as I’m concerned anyone aged over 16 using one is having a mid-life crisis. Even if they are 17.
But that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have given this film a thumbs up.
I actually quite liked The Angry Birds movie.
The plot is even more simple than a grinning face. Gene (voiced by TJ Miller) is supposed to be a Meh! emoji, but can’t help expressing other emotions.
This isn’t allowed in Textopolis, where the emojis live, as every digital expression has to stick to their designated task.
Considered to be a “malfunction”, Gene has to go on the run with Anna Faris’s Jailbreak and James Corden’s Hi-5 palm emoji. Corden can do better than this ham-fisted effort.
As Gene battles through other apps, he realises it is good to be different.
It’s just a shame the writers of this by-the-numbers kids’ film didn’t figure that out too.
The script is Wreck-It Ralph made by marketing machines.
It fails to deliver any emotion.
The love story is about as romantic as sticking a double “x” at the end of a text.
The only reason it doesn’t get the middle finger is a handful of decent gags, the mercifully short running time and because young kids will enjoy the poo jokes.